Could You Be an Astronaut?
It’s not quite as far-fetched as it may sound. The European Space Agency is searching for candidates to bolster its Astronaut Corps for future manned missions to the ISS, the Moon and beyond…
The overall selection process will start on Monday 19th May and follow this procedure:
1. Screening: the first step in the formal application will be online at Applicants will have to provide the same medical examination certificate as private pilots, the examination for which must be conducted by an Aviation Medical Examiner certified by his/her national aviation medical authority.
2. Two stages of psychological and professional aptitude evaluation, including behavioural and cognitive skills tests.
3. Medical evaluation: this process includes clinical examination by aero- medical physicians and clinical specialists, laboratory screening tests, and special procedures.
4. Formal interview: as potential ESA staff members, the astronaut candidates will go before an ESA selection board for further professional assessment.
5. The final appointments will be officially announced in 2009.
The selected candidates will then join the European Astronaut Corps and begin basic training at the European Astronaut Centre (ESA-EAC) in Cologne, Germany.
Applicants with science and engineering degrees are favoured, so if you think you have what it takes and fancy a slightly unusual career change on the back of your years at university, this could be the ideal opportunity.
Gerhard Thiele, former astronaut and Head of the European Astronaut Division explains the type of person they’re looking for:
“The ideal European astronaut candidate should be competent in relevant scientific disciplines, including but not restricted to life sciences, physics, chemistry and medicine and/or be an engineer or pilot, and should have demonstrated outstanding abilities in research, applications or the educational field, preferably including operational skills. In addition, characteristics expected of all applicants include a good memory and reasoning ability, concentration, aptitude for spatial orientation, and manual dexterity.”
If you apply and are successful, let EPA know.
Good luck!