Ideal Industries CCTV Tester

A new, versatile, easy-to-use CCTV tester is now available, which is both lighter and more compact than its predecessor and offers unique additional features, including video level and sync testing, as well as audio level testing.

The SecuriTESTTM Pro from Ideal Industries is the latest product in the company’s range of CCTV testers. While its predecessor, SecuriTESTTM, offers users access to six essential functions in a single unit: a CCTV video tester, PTZ camera controller, digital multimeter, UTP cable tester, video test pattern generator and PTZ protocol analyser, the new SecuriTESTTM Pro offers all this existing functionality, plus three
additional unique features.

First, the device operates on a lithium polymer battery, resulting in faster charging times, longer operating times and a more compact, lightweight device. Second, the unit offers video level and sync testing and so measures the strength of the video signal mW. And third, the unit provides audio level testing.

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