Electricfix shows support for the electricians of tomorrow

Electricfix, the specialist electrical trade only supplier, is to sponsor the first ever SPARKS UK Apprentice Electrician of the Year competition. Earlier this year the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development reported that only half of UK-based companies planned to recruit school or college leavers this year.

Given this competition for jobs the need for individuals to invest in their skill base is evident. Through involvement with the competition Electricfix is aiming to both encourage and recognise excellence among young engineers whilst at the same time supporting the future of the professional electrical industry.

John Mewett, marketing director for Electricfix, said: "Electricfix is built around providing the best possible service to qualified contractors. We do this through the range of products we carry, their availability and low price, and by encouraging high standards throughout the trade. Sponsoring the SPARKS UK Apprentice Electrician of the Year reflects our commitment to support the future of professionalism in the industry through the young people entering the trade.

"We’re sure the competition will be a great experience for all those who enter and will provide a real boost to their CV so we are keen to encourage apprentices to give it a go!"

Celia Matthews, organiser of the competition, comments: "We are delighted to be hosting the first ever SPARKS UK Apprentice Electrician of the Year competition. We encourage all apprentices to take part, not just to put all the skills they’ve learnt into practice but to have a great time as well!"

The competition is open to all City & Guilds level 2 or 3 students and NVQ apprentices who can enter through their college. Anyone interested in participating should talk to their tutor in the first instance.

There will be eight regional heats culminating in a final at SPARKS EXPO 2010 at Newbury Racecourse on 21 and 22 April 2010. The eight finalists and their tutors will be given an all expenses paid trip to the final.

In addition to winning the accolade of ‘SPARKS UK Apprentice Electrician of the Year 2010’, the overall winner will receive £1,000 worth of Electricfix vouchers for themselves and £500 worth for their college.

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