CRC – a blessing or a curse?

We have been hearing a lot recently about The Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme – a new regulatory incentive which has been introduced to improve energy efficiency in large public and private sector organisations. The scheme targets 5,000 large energy users in business and the public sector who will be required to take part in the scheme from 1st April 2010.

CRC – a blessing or a curse?

This week the Department of Energy and Climate Change has unveiled the final details of the scheme, following a period of consultation with businesses and trade bodies, which has seen it make amendments to the original scheme. All the latest details should now be posted at 

Commenting on the scheme, Energy and Climate Change Minister, Joan Ruddock, has said: "The UK is leading the way in tackling climate change and in the move to a low carbon economy. Organisations and the public sector must play a central role including all government departments, regardless of size.

"Large organisations have huge potential to achieve cost-effective energy efficiency savings. There are clear benefits from positive, immediate action to tackle climate change. Investment that takes place in the next few decades will have a profound effect on the climate in the second half of this century and in the next.

"The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme will help organisations to become more energy efficient, to save significant sums of money on fuel bills, and to show customers, clients and competitors that their organisation is a leader in tackling climate change."

Are you working with/for one of the 5000 organisations being targeted ? - The scheme will include organisations whose annual half hourly metered (HHM) electricity use is at least 6,000 Megawatt hours (MWh) - What is your view of this latest cap and trade scheme – is it an environmental blessing or a corporate curse?

Suzanne Gill

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