Lighting solution helps Portsmouth City Council to cut car park lighting energy use by 49%

Portsmouth City Council has undertaken an energy-efficient lighting installation at its Isambard Brunel car park, using innovative retrofit device, 'Save It Easy®'. As a result, the car park is set to reduce its annual electricity costs by £17,573, saving 87 tonnes of carbon each year.

A massive 61% of Portsmouth City Council's carbon footprint comes as a result of running buildings. So, when the Council set about slashing its energy use, Isambard Brunel car park, with its high energy demand, was a prime target. An energy-efficient lighting installation was identified as a cost-effective way to begin saving energy at the car park.

The car park is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and therefore requires lighting around the clock. When looking to change its fluorescent lamps to energy-efficient equivalents, the Council wanted a solution that wouldn't compromise its sustainable values.

Using Save It Easy, a plug-in device from Energys, the Council was able to avoid replacing its existing light fittings as it upgraded 520 lamps over the various levels of the multi-storey car park.
The higher efficiency of the new energy-efficient lamps at the car park, plus the more efficient control gear in the Save It Easy units, means that the site has reduced its energy use in lighting by 49%, making annual savings of £17,573 on its electricity bills. The car park has also successfully cut its carbon footprint by 45%, saving 87 tonnes of carbon each year.

Michael Robinson, Deputy Parking Manager at Portsmouth City Council, comments: "Portsmouth City Council has committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 30% by 2014. This energy-efficient lighting at Isambard Brunel car park is just one example of how we are trying to minimise our environmental impacts in the city. What's more, we are pleased to report that the project has also cut our electricity bills significantly. We expect to achieve project payback in just eleven months."

Aidan Salter, Managing Director of Energys, commented: "We were pleased to help Portsmouth City Council to achieve its sustainability goals. By using Save It Easy, which is a retrofit solution, the Council was able to minimise the project's waste, since it did not need to completely replace the light fittings. At Energys, we believe that sustainability is about both reducing energy use and cutting down on waste."

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