German innovation and best of British join forces

Author : J GALE

A ground-breaking trade partnership agreement between Jung and The Wandsworth Group has recently been put in motion. Signed in February, the agreement gives Wandsworth exclusive sales rights in the U.K. for the stylish ranges of wiring accessories and door communications products manufactured by Albrecht Jung.

German-based Jung will continue to manufacture the products and the move will put Wandsworth’s 150-strong team behind the drive and enable both companies to exploit the many synergies between their product ranges.

Explains Gary Stevens, Sales & Marketing Director at Wandsworth: "There are many similarities between the two companies, both have been around since the beginning of the 20th century, both are still family run businesses, both are at the quality end of the market and are focused on driving product development with innovative, solutions-led ideas.

"By joining forces with Jung, we instantly open up our existing range, at the same time, we’re also adding wiring accessories and door entry systems that match our existing range for quality but complement it in terms of design, enabling us to offer customers even greater choice."

The Wandsworth team has already undergone intensive product training at Jung’s purpose-built training facility at the company’s headquarters in Schalksmühle, equipping them to help customers specify the Jung products that best suit their requirements. Meanwhile, Jung’s existing UK team will continue to provide support for specifiers.

Comments Export Manager Wolfgang Becker of Jung: "We have never sold through distributors in the UK because our products are for the niche market where design and quality matter, not just the cheapest option. In Wandsworth we have found a partner that we can trust to deliver those values in the UK marketplace and a one that has the resources to drive understanding and uptake of our products in the UK. In the coming months we will also be introducing Wandsworth to the workings of the KNX building controls protocol. The protocol is now 20 years old and the UK remains around 12 years behind our key economic competitors in Europe in terms of installations, which means that many commercial and public buildings are missing out on the wow factor and energy savings that KNX can offer. It is also anticipated that Wandsworth will be able to introduce KNX to their very successful IPiN healthcare products, which in turn would provide even better and more sustainable systems to the medical building here in the UK.

"We’re delighted that we’ve been able to put this partnership in place as it will benefit not only the UK marketplace but the many international markets in which Wandsworth operates. Wandsworth has already taken the nurse call market by storm with its IPiN product and, when they bring KNX into the company’s technology portfolio, the potential for future product developments is very exciting."

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