BlackBand® is Best for IP65 Fixtures

Author : J GALE

GlassGuard BlackBand® coated shatterproof lamps offer improved protection and are compatible with IP65 enclosed fixtures.

IP65 enclosed fixtures are the most common fluorescent lamp fixture and are designed to guard against dust and water, however, they do not provide a completely glass free environment. Fluorescent lamps are vulnerable to breakage during routine maintenance and although the diffuser cover itself will guard against accidental impact, once the cover is removed, the lamp is unprotected, increasing the risk of glass contamination. A simple mishandling accident can result in thousands of glass particles being spread over a wide area causing injury and loss of production.

GlassGuard BlackBand® coated shatterproof fluorescent lamps provide full protection from impact at all times. The tough GlassGuard BlackBand® coating ensures the lamp performs at the high temperatures reached in IP65 fixtures, when many other products on the market will typically yellow at the ends and become brittle, reducing the efficacy of the coating. As it fully complies to the latest fragment retention lamp standard BS EN61459, the BlackBand® coating offers full protection and has a maximum continuous service temperature of 200°C while retaining its mechanical properties throughout the 20,000 hour life of the lamp. Crucially, this ensures glass retention at end of lamp life.

GlassGuard BlackBand® fluorescent lamps are the best lamp for use in IP65 enclosed fixtures.

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