Promoting a happy workforce: top tips for electrical firms

Fleet management technologies can deliver a wealth of business benefits for electrical contractors, boosting productivity, driving efficiencies and improving customer service.

Employees can feel threatened by change, particularly by new technology – and all the more so when they are being monitored.

TomTom Business Solutions offer advice to allay employee concerns:
- Explain how vehicle tracking will benefit the workforce. Driver benefits include lower tax liabilities, less admin and safer working conditions.
- Be transparent by making drivers aware of the reasons for introducing vehicle tracking from the outset, not after installation. Explain the technology is tracking the vehicle not the employee.
- Formalise the process of informing staff by putting it in writing so there is no misunderstanding.
- Ensure drivers know you have an obligation to manage your assets efficiently, improvement may mean more money for wages, and bonuses.
- Offer extra support and training to anyone who struggles to adapt to a new system.

“The value of simple forward planning to achieve driver acceptance of a new fleet management system cannot be underestimated,” said Giles Margerison, TomTom Business Solutions’ Director, UK & Ireland.

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