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Prove you’re safe with the new PD700 from Martindale electric.

Now available from Martindale Electric – pioneers in test equipment – is the portable and sleek PD700 Proving Device, designed for the testing of contact voltage detectors up to 700V.

Martindale PD700

With around 1000 electrical accidents at work reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) each year and 25 resulting in death, there are simple precautions that need to be taken when working with or near electricity.

The most important safety consideration must be to ensure that all circuits and equipment which are being worked on are proved to be dead.  Whilst the most obvious way to do this is to lock off a circuit and ensure no live source exists by means of a voltage indicator, how do you know your voltage indicator is performing correctly?  

The only way to offer complete peace of mind when it comes to your safety is to check your tester before and after you’ve proved the circuit to be dead with a Proving Unit such as the PD700 from Martindale Electric..  

The PD700 Proving Unit from Martindale Electric offers users of voltage indicators enhanced operator safety as it can generate high voltages up to 700V but also lower voltages down to 50V which can still be potentially dangerous.  Suitable for use with Drummond Test Lamps, Digital Multimeters and Low Impedance Voltage Testers to ensure they are working correctly, the PD700 also features an indicator which illuminates when lamps and voltage testers draw high currents.

Lightweight and compact for easy transportation between sites, the PD700 will go a long way to ensure compliance with safe working practices.

Complete with batteries and a carry case, the PD700 is supplied with a two year guarantee.

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