Castell improves delivery times and safety rating with new UPS systems interlock

Industrial safety specialist Castell Safety International Ltd., currently celebrating its 90th birthday, has launched a new multi-voltage interlock primarily for use with uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems.

Castell improves delivery times and safety rating with new UPS systems interlock

The KSUPS+ is a solenoid-controlled trapped key interlock that only permits access to a UPS system once the system has been put into a safe condition.

The KSUPS+ features a number of innovative design improvements, including multi-voltage input. Having a wide voltage input range means that a single device now replaces eight previous devices; the input voltage for the KSUPS+ ranges from 24 V AC or DC to 220 V AC or DC.

A monitored solenoid increases the safety performance rating of the KSUPS+, ensuring a higher level of protection for personnel whilst working on UPS systems.

Castell Safety International Ltd.
020 8200 1200

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