Businesses urged to respond to Government consultation on FiTs

Following an announcement from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) that it is opening a consultation on the Feed in Tariffs (FiT) scheme, npower is urging businesses to have their say. This follows the energy supplier’s own research, which found that many businesses are worried about how the scheme impacts on budget certainty.

Wayne Mitchell, Industrial and Commercial Markets Director at npower

The consultation provides the opportunity to respond to the proposed changes laid out in the Government’s recent comprehensive review of FiTs. One area included in this is how FiT costs are predicted and managed. Decisions made in light of this consultation will be implemented in the changes to the FiT legislation that will be laid before Parliament in October 2012.

Businesses can submit their views on FiTs to Government by emailing: npower has already consulted with large businesses to ensure they have their voices heard and have produced a report detailing the findings, which will be submitted to DECC as part of the consultation.

The overwhelming response from businesses is one of dissatisfaction and concern about the way that the FiT scheme is charged back to consumers retrospectively.

npower’s report also showed that businesses are frustrated that Government has a poor record in forecasting FiT charges and worry that suppliers have failed to adopt a uniform approach. There is also concern that businesses are paying for a scheme that largely benefits the public and do not believe that it will actually help the UK meet its emissions targets. For some organisations, increasing legislative costs, which FiTs contributes to, may mean that they have to move business operations abroad.

Wayne Mitchell, Industrial and Commercial Markets Director at npower (pictured) commented: “The Government’s consultation on the Feed in Tariff scheme is a valuable opportunity for businesses to have their say on a programme that has become a major cause of concern. Our research and consultation with our business customers has shown significant dissatisfaction with FiTs and the impact this has on budget certainty. We will be feeding back to Government on behalf of our customers and we urge other businesses to take this opportunity to have their views heard and help shape the future of the scheme.”

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