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Megaman’s Lamps take off at Birmingham Airport

Megaman’s Liliput range of lamps has been used throughout the new Meriden Bar & Restaurant in Birmingham Airport, run by Food Travel Experts, SSP.

Used as an alternative to Halogen light sources, the energy saving lamps will ensure low maintenance costs and energy consumption. Birmingham Airport, both domestic and international flights, handles approximately 8.6 million passengers a year. Worcester based architectural lighting specialists Vivid Lighting, specified the Megaman lamps as they offer a discreet light source within a compact fitting.  The Liliput lamps also provide excellent lumen output and do not omit the excessive heat of Halogen lamps.  Liliput, the world’s smallest energy saving lamps are available in B22 & E27 bases and are particularly suitable for retrofitting to luminaires originally designed for GLS lamps.
For more information contact Megaman (UK) Ltd  
Tel: 0845 408 4625 Email: Web:

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