More Crimes Now Being Foiled By Scaffolding Alarms

The new generation of Scaffolding Alarms are proving to be an effective way of protecting construction sites, construction company assets, nearby homes and premises, and highway users from the effects of crime. 

Scaffolding has long been a way for thieves, vandals and even arsonists to gain access to the valuable assets found on construction sites, and to gain access to nearby properties. Scaffolding is also known to be used as a climbing frame by young people and adults, often on a night out or when involved in hi-jinks.

In London for example the risk to life, limb and property that unauthorised use of scaffolding can cause is reflected in the legal obligation of anyone erecting scaffolding on the public highway to take measures to prevent unauthorised access to that scaffolding.

Controlling access to scaffolding at night, weekends, holidays or other periods where no workers or security personnel are physically present on the site is a challenge which has to be addressed in order to deter intruders and prevent unauthorised access.

Scaffolding alarms now provide an ideal way to both deter and prevent unauthorised access, and give those responsible for the scaffolding and the site a chance to manage their time and resources effectively.

The new generation of scaffolding alarms use infra red sensors (Beams & PIR's) on the scaffolding to detect human activity (they are not triggered by wind, leaves etc.). As soon as any human access is detected the alarm and floodlights are activated, and these act as an immediate deterrent at the scene.

When the alarm is activated a call is made by a mobile or landline dialler, to the monitoring station or a nominated person which could be the site key-holder, site foreman or the site’s own security. The call gives details of the location of the of security breach thus giving those responsible for the scaffolding and the site the time and the opportunity to take effective preventative action.

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