VPhase units trialled in Southern Electric Customer Homes

Southern Electric has commenced UK trials of voltage optimisation into households. The three month trial will see the new voltage optimisation device from VPhase plc installed into approximately 50 Southern Electric customer homes across Berkshire, under the UK Government’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) scheme.

Findings will not only indicate the reduction of electricity usage but will also determine the level of lifetime carbon dioxide savings that can be claimed by utility companies from the installation of VPhase units.
The low-cost smart technology from VPhase uses voltage optimisation technology to reduce the incoming voltage and manage it to a stable level, normally 220V in the UK. The result is considerable reductions to electricity costs, energy wasting and carbon emissions from generation sources. It can be easily fitted by a qualified electrician and will save energy across a wide range of appliances throughout the home. Once installed it requires no maintenance. It’s simply a matter of fit, forget and save money instantly.

Stephen Millward, Southern Electric’s energy efficiency manager, said: "Equipment like this has been available for industrial and commercial buildings for some time but this is the first trial in people’s homes. We will be monitoring closely how well the devices work and also what our customers think of them. If the trial is successful, these devices could be rolled out to millions of homes across the UK, saving householders significant amounts on their bills and bringing obvious environmental benefits as well."

Volunteer homeowners taking part in the trial will have a VPhase unit fitted next to their consumer unit by electricians from Southern Electric Contracting, as well as a new generation smart meter and data logging equipment. During the trial, which is being backed by the industry regulator OFGEM, Southern Electric will monitor the devices to assess the success of the project.

VPhase CEO Dr. Lee Juby comments: "We are looking forward to confirming the energy and carbon saving capability of the VPhase device through these trials. Our back-to-back internal tests have already revealed impressive savings on appliances across the whole home along with significant reductions to electricity bills. In fact, we believe that if every household in the UK used voltage optimisation, a typical home could save carbon emissions of 270kg every year – the equivalent of taking 2.3 million cars off the road."

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