Making 17th edition upgrades easy

Electrak’s Rotasoc desk module system enables users to upgrade installations to comply with the 17th Edition wiring regulations quickly and cost effectively.

Making 17th edition upgrades easy

The fully modular under-desk unit, which features unique 360 degree rotatable sockets, is designed to allow for rapid configuration and changes or relocation of workstations. And, as with its power, data and telecom modules, the RCD and RCBO protection modules simply lock into place, delivering immediate 17th Edition compliance.

Steve Marr, marketing manager for Legrand’s power distribution division, which comprises Electrak, Zucchini and Legrand’s existing power products, said: “Businesses naturally need to adapt their workspaces as a result of changing demands and new technologies, and although the 17th Edition has only been in force since 2008 any modifications to existing installations need to comply with it.”

“In the past the only way of achieving this would have been to scrap the whole desk module and replace it with one featuring built-in RCD protection. But Rotasoc’s modular system means its units can be upgraded with ease, and at a fraction of the price it would cost to replace the whole unit.”

Rotasoc is a comprehensive modular power system designed to meet the increasing power and communication needs of the workplace. Its three main product groupings – standard power, low noise power (clean earth) and dual power (standard and low noise together) – mean it can be used in a wide variety of environments, including those where uninterrupted power supply is critical. Rated at 32A, it complies with the high integrity earthing requirements of BS7671: 2008 section 543.7, while its unique and patented locking fuse meets the requirements of BS6396: 2008 for electrical systems in office furniture.

“Electrak first introduced the Rotasoc modular desk unit in 2001, and the overwhelming benefits and flexibility it provides to both designers and installers have transformed the market,” added Steve Marr. “Nine years on and the simple modularity of these products are providing huge cost saving benefits and ensuring future proofing of installations as requirements change”

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