Apex modular wiring in Olympic global broadcast

When the action begins at the 2012 Olympic Games, the world’s media using the newly built International Broadcast Centre in Stratford, East London, will be connecting their equipment to electrical power supplied via an advanced modular wiring system.

Apex Wiring Solutions has won the multi million pound electrical wiring contract after seeing its advanced modular technology specified for delivering a reliable power supply around the 60,000 sq m facility.

The International Broadcast Centre, which at 275 m long, 104 m wide and 21 m tall will accommodate 20,000 journalists, broadcasters and photographers who will be reporting around-the-clock on the Games to a global audience of four billion people.

A state-of-the-art modular wiring solution was required because installation work undertaken by The Designer Group has to be completed by April 2012.

Apex is working closely with Carillion on the bespoke modular wiring design to reduce onsite installation times and meet the requirements of a building which features 5,500 tonnes of steel with trusses up to 24 m long and integrated metal decking, edge protection and stair systems.

More than 400 pluggable distribution boards, along with over 30,000 cable assemblies for lighting and small power systems, are being supplied by Apex for the development which will become 80,000sq m of business space with the potential to generate thousands of new jobs after the Games.

The pre-assembled and fully tested modular components will be produced at Apex’s Durham manufacturing facility and supplied to site to ensure the tight installation programme is achieved.

Dave Lewis, Managing Director of Apex, commented that pre-assembled electrical components provide a high performance and versatile wiring solution which can reduce onsite installation times by up to 70%, delivering significant cost savings. He added: “We are working closely with the client to deliver a high performance but flexible wiring solution to meet not only the needs of the building during the Olympics but also long afterwards when it will be used for other purposes. The cost, time saving and environmental benefits of modular wiring systems are becoming increasingly recognised in the UK, enabling electrical contractors to complete even the most complex installations quicker and more efficient than ever before.”

Modular wiring systems can also provide improved health and safety because they minimise the amount of time contractors are required to work at height while also reducing the need for onsite cable and conduit cutting tools which can cause accidents.

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