Stay top of the trade this year

Move over hand tools, storage boxes, fixtures and fittings, in today’s electrical industry, time is now considered an electrician’s most valuable business tool. The more time they spend out working and quoting, the quicker they can grow their business. Here, Mark Mitchell, marketing manager at Electricfix, explains how electricians are adapting their business approach when it comes to the tools that enable them to stay ahead of the game…

We know how many different tools and products electricians require for the day-to-day running of their business, but our customers have been telling us that managing stock levels and ensuring that they have the right tools for the job to hand, is becoming more and more of a balancing act.

In today’s economic climate, many electricians are reporting that holding enough stock to respond to jobs as and when they come in without tying up cash in non-essential goods, is a daily challenge. At the same time, their consumers are becoming increasingly demanding, expecting immediate quotes and the subsequent work to be completed quickly and efficiently.

Therefore, they are themselves adopting a culture of immediacy when it comes to tools and products.

Electricians are looking to get hold of everything they need as and when they need it so that they can move to the next job. This approach is supported by their buying habits. We are seeing nearly 85% of our stock sold direct through our branches as electricians strive to purchase the required products as quickly as possible.

Savvy shopping
Another trend emerging is that customers are trying to prepare well in advance for seasonal changes. This is to avoid having to take a sudden and unplanned break from work to purchase essential tools and equipment. This is perhaps demonstrated by a growth in excess of 284% in work light and inspection lamp sales as electricians prepare for working without natural light as the nights draw in.

It is important to note however, that although electricians are telling us they are trying to complete as many jobs as quickly as possible, they also remain highly focused on quality and reliability, stressing that speed of service should not come at the expense of these values. This in turn is supported by a growth in sales of products by big brand names sharing these qualities.

Stock management and 'just-in-time' purchasing
Electricians are reporting that they are unable or reluctant to stock a wide range of tools and products themselves, so it is more vital than ever that they have immediate access to a wide choice to ensure that the exact item they require is readily available. This is particularly important when it comes to the more decorative or even eco-conscious products that have been specifically selected by a consumer.

Flexibility of purchasing is also becoming increasingly important to electricians when it comes to making sure that they have the right tools for the job. As most electricians manage their own schedule, and often work anti-social hours to meet the needs of their customers, it is vital that they can order or purchase products at a time and place to fit in with their schedule.

Our research has shown that more and more of our customers are researching tools and shopping across a combination of channels, whether it be over the phone, online or via a trade counter.

It is no longer a case of one system fits all, electricians need to be able to get hold of everything they need to successfully run their business, 24/7.

When it comes to tools only one thing is for sure, electricians know exactly what they need and when they need it.

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