Too many questions means delay will benefit Green Deal and customers

The Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA) says that with so many unanswered questions about the delivery of the Green Deal, a delay in the launch of the commercial sector offering is likely to help it succeed in the medium to long term.

Paul Reeve, Head of Environment at the ECA

Paul Reeve, Head of Environment at the ECA (pictured), says: “We all want the Green Deal to work, but there is a growing sense in the industry that it is not shaping up for success. We'd support a delay to the commercial and public sector launch, to ensure it delivers what customers really need; certainty over how to identify the green improvements that will deliver the most value to the customer. We are concerned that the current software and other arrangements are not up to the task.”

“The current plans for the Green Deal still leave too many big questions unanswered. Firstly, about whether or how Green Deal payments for renewables will interact with Feed-in and other Tariffs, which is already creating doubt and confusion. Secondly, not enough attention has been given to measures beyond insulation and windows, such as smart meters and intelligent controls. These ‘active’ measures can offer short payback periods and could encourage broader investment in energy efficiency. On top of this there has been little in the way of defining the role that small, local service providers can play in delivering the green Deal. We don’t want a Green Deal that only works for nationally sized firms; we want the Green Deal to create energy opportunities for competent contractors of all sizes. In these tough times, Government needs to focus on how to support and build up SMEs.”

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