National Careers Service must engage with employers, says ECA

The Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA) has welcomed the Government’s launch of the National Careers Service (NCS), but says careers advice must take into account the views of employers if it is to help resolve growing unemployment.

Iain Macdonald, ECA Head of Education and Training, says: “The NCS is a positive step forward and we hope it will lead to more people finding the right training that leads to a fulfilling career. However, it is vital that the new service engages with industry.

“It would be unacceptable for the NCS to encourage people to take up vocational training courses that don’t deliver what employers actually need. In the electrical contracting industry, we face a looming skills crisis. Unless people are directed towards industry-recognised qualifications that lead to work, we and other sectors will suffer a skill shortage. At the same time, those out of work won’t have gained the qualifications to get jobs.”

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