Warning follows discovery of cable problem

The Approved Cables Initiative (ACI) has issued details of a quality problem found in armoured cables manufactured by Demes Kablo of Turkey. Investigations and testing have revealed problems with the zinc coating on steel armour wire in certain batches of small armoured cables produced by the company.

Peter Smeeth, Spokesperson for the ACI

A UK customer alerted the ACI to its fears about this cable last month, but the ACI now understands that affected cables could date back to 2010. The armoured cable, which has BASEC (British Approvals Service for Cables) approval, is now subject to wider checks by the manufacturer and although Demes Kablo knows the cause of the problem, the ACI is advising contractors to remain vigilant and to follow its advice.

Peter Smeeth, Spokesperson for the ACI, (pictured) said: “We have concerns with the timescales involved here as the manufacturer carries out further tests to verify the scale of the problem. In the meantime we are advising contractors who have purchased armoured cables from Demes Kablo of Turkey in the past two years to contact their supplier or the manufacturer to ensure the batch of cable is not one of those at risk. Although Demes Kablo is in the process of assessing batches of cable, we once again are unsure what quantities of cable are involved and how many customers will be affected. As we learn more about this we will provide further information.”

The ACI is informed that Demes Kablo has contacted its UK and Irish customers requesting they have their cable tested and cleared before being sold on.

Anyone who suspects that they may hold batches of affected cables should contact their supplier or Demes Kablo directly by visiting:

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