Tratos joins UK manufacturing organisation EEF

European cable manufacturer Tratos has announced its membership of EEF, the UK manufacturers’ organisation.

European cable manufacturer Tratos has announced its membership of EEF, the UK manufacturers’ organisation

EEF is dedicated to the future of manufacturing, helping manufacturing businesses evolve, innovate and compete in a fast-changing world. It provides business services, government representation and industry intelligence, making it a valuable resource for members.

EEF’s ethos, that a modern, competitive and innovative manufacturing industry is central to the UK’s economic future, is very much in line with Tratos’. Maurizio Bragagni, Export Director of Tratos, expands on this: “In manufacturing you have to continually strive for improvement in every aspect of your work. With low cost competition from the Far East and uncertain economic times, this has never been truer. We believe the key to success is to continually innovate – in our product R&D and in our manufacturing processes – and to invest. For a European manufacturer to not just survive, but to thrive, investment in people and plant is essential. Membership of EEF will enable us to have a greater voice to express our needs and concerns regarding all aspects of manufacturing, as well as an excellent opportunity to meet like minded companies.”

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