Ongoing government/industry engagement key to ensuring £938m a year savings are realised

Responding to the publication of the Public Accounts Committee’s report on 'Preparations for the rollout of smart meters', BEAMA welcomed the report’s acknowledgement of the potential benefits of the UK smart meter rollout.

Commenting on the report’s launch, BEAMA CEO Dr. Howard Porter (pictured) said: “It is important that industry bodies such as BEAMA, who represents over 20 manufacturers of smart meters and consumer energy displays, continue to work with government to ensure that the programme is a success.

“The huge potential benefits of a UK smart meter rollout were highlighted by a worldwide research project, published in November 2011, which found that the programme could cut UK household electricity bills by £938m a year. This makes it all the more important that the concerns raised by the PAC about this large scale nationwide project are resolved. BEAMA is confident that the ongoing positive engagement between government, industry and consumer groups will succeed in solving them.

“To realise these savings it is essential that the Government, energy suppliers and other stakeholders get fully behind a campaign to engage with consumers on how to benefit from the smart meter roll out. There is the potential in the UK to exceed the worldwide average.

“It is also important to remember the positive knock-on effect of the smart meter rollout, which is a crucial stepping stone on the way to the development of a smart grid. This has the potential to transform how consumers receive and understand their energy supply, and to deliver vast carbon savings.

“BEAMA and its members remain fully committed to support the Government to achieve a successful rollout, and would offer its assistance is taking forward the plans for rollout.”
The savings figure of £938million is based on a potential energy savings for electricity customers of 8.5% as concluded by the worldwide study carried out by VaasaETT and published in 2011, using average energy costs of UK customers from January 2011.

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